These 25 deeper meanings of the white aura will help you figure out exactly what this color is trying to tell you in your life, so read on!

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  The word literally means atmosphere. Some believe an aura can predict the future, but there is no scientific proof to back this up. It’s also what you see when you close your eyes and imagine the person in front of you. Auras are often thought to be an indicator of mood, health, or energy levels. There are many different colors that can represent certain meanings or emotions and there is a science behind each shade. There are some theories as to how an aura works, but one thing is for sure: it has more meanings than we may first think. Kirlian photography has also proven the existence of bio-plasma fields, or auras. Different living things such as flowers, trees, and animals also possess an energy field. Some believe that the human energy field is more intricate because we’re more advanced.

• Red is often associated with energy, anger, or passion for the moment. • Orange reflects creativity and adventure. • Yellow is often connected with friendly or creative intelligence. • Green suggests social and communication. • Blue is typically seen as being a freethinker or intuitive. • Indigo can represent the curiosity and spirituality connected. •Violet shows wise and independent.

This type of person would work well in careers such as police officer, firefighter, or nurse. They will do whatever they can to protect the people around them while also looking out for their own health by practicing self-care regularly. It’s hard not to love someone with such an intuitive heart. If you’re lucky enough to have a white-aura person in your life, consider yourself blessed!  

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It’s best for them if they can stay away from anything too negative or toxic, because their sensitivities make it hard for them to handle things like that. They also may be people who find it easy to see the best in everyone and everything, which means they’re unlikely to get discouraged easily when faced with a setback or other difficulty. This is because their energy is very delicate and does not need any outside disturbances or stressors. People with a white aura have the ability to see through the facade people put up in order to fit in, so they find it easier to stay away from crowds or social settings that might lead them into a bad mood.  

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However, in team sports they can be really valuable members of a team, as they blindly follow orders and appreciate teamwork more than anything. They will just never win the MVP award, or aim for the quarterback position.  

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