However, some punishments that are given in schools are quite unbelievable; some end up leaving a negative effect on students. The years from kindergarten all the way through high school are some of the most memorable times in a child’s life. It’s a defining period where adolescents begin to truly become themselves. Read on for a list of the 25 most unbelievable school punishments ever given.   The teacher called the police and had him handcuffed and hauled down to their local juvenile hall. Luckily, there were no charges placed against him and he was able to leave the jail after a few hours. In 1977, this painful method of discipline was banned throughout the country. Yet, some parents still give teachers permission to hit their children if they are misbehaving. For one Mississippi student, her prom experience was anything but special. Her high school held a fake prom specifically for her, her female partner, and five other students with disabilities. This homophobic punishment led to a lawsuit where the school was ultimately found guilty. School officials claimed that the 6-year-old was so uncontrollable they didn’t know what else to do. The decision was ultimately made by a third-party licensed mental health professional. The teacher would read her class a story about monsters who like to hide in the closet. Then she would use the classroom closet to lock away children who would misbehave. After the class discussed Barton’s flaws, they were forced to vote whether they wanted him to stay in the class or not. This bizarre punishment left Barton in tears. Her teacher grabbed her braid and proceeded to chop off a section of her hair. The teacher claims that she cut the girl’s hair because she was distracting other students. Cammon returned to her desk crying and embarrassed. To make matters worse, the student who was getting punished would often get laughed at and made fun of by their peers. Students would be left feeling humiliated and traumatized by the dunce cap. The only thing that separated their lunch from the dirty floor was a thin piece of paper. The students endured this cruel and unusual punishment after accidentally spilling a jug of water while trying to refill a cooler. Many onlookers honked to support the punishment but others viewed it as an unacceptable and unbelievable punishment. This form of punishment is quite normal in Chinese schools. While some forms of kneeling punishments may be legal, kneeling on peas is a shockingly cruel and unusual discipline. Nevertheless, multiple schools across the nation punish students by making them hold their pee. Making a student hold their bladder isn’t just unfair, but it’s also dangerous. If a person waits too long to urinate it could weaken their bladder muscles over time and cause serious problems.  However, many parents are trying to eliminate this rule. They say that sometimes it is too hot to wear a full-sleeved shirt. Also, being sent home from school to change their clothes is too extreme of a punishment.  These schools are claiming that tight-knit friend groups lead to other children feeling left out. While it is a good idea to learn how to be friends with everyone, some people just don’t get along. Critics of this “BFF ban” argue that having a best friend brings not only joy but lifelong value and support. Many people agree that cell phones should be limited in school but that they should not be banned or confiscated. Smartphones are now like mini computers. If used in the right way, they can be utilized for academic success. While this does ensure that everyone stays focused, it can be boring if a student doesn’t have anything to do. If a student is caught talking about, they could potentially be isolated from the entire class for the rest of the school year. However, in recent years there has been some speculation over the snack’s nutritional value. Several schools in California, New Mexico, and Illinois have banned the food altogether. If a student is caught with the spicy snack, it immediately gets confiscated and the student can be sent to detention.  If a student is heard calling it by the wrong name, they could potentially get sent to detention or written up. Many parents think this is completely unfair. This school district publicly enforces this rule. If a student is seen looking unhappy, they will get sent to the principal’s office to talk about their problems. Everyone is unique and has different athletic abilities. For this reason, grading a student off of one particular set mile time seems outrageous. Yet many schools still expect all of their students to run a 10-minute mile in order to receive a good grade in gym class. However, critics argue that school uniforms take away from students’ individuality and freedom of expression. Also, if a student’s uniform isn’t up to the standard, he or she could be denied entry into the school. The game is a widely popular sport amongst the younger community. However, public schools in New Hampshire have banned the game because it is considered a human target sport. They also said Dodge Ball could lead to unwanted violence and bullying. For many people, puberty is already an awkward enough phase in their life. To make matters worse, male students often get called out for having facial hair. Not only is this embarrassing for them, but they could get in trouble too. Some schools make students with facial hair shave it off in front of their class. Imagine how embarrassing it would be for a child to have to repeat a school year. Not only are they scolded at home by their parents, but they also have to watch their peers move on without them. This extreme amount of pressure and disappointment can potentially leave a child feeling hopeless and lost.   In fact, schools all over the world use writing as a discipline. This punishment could potentially leave a negative effect on students. It could even taint the way they see writing altogether.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

25 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 1925 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 8125 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 3825 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 5925 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 6925 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 1925 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 3825 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 1025 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 5025 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 2625 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 4425 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 8925 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 5125 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 5225 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 2025 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 1225 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 5925 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 3225 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 6425 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 6025 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 4725 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 5525 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 2125 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 4425 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 6525 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 425 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 325 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 5825 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 7425 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 4225 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 6025 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 8025 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 5825 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 9425 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 6525 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 8125 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 9025 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 225 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 7825 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 9225 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 2425 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 2925 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 1925 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 3925 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 6425 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 4425 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 2725 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 6325 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 2525 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 6625 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 4025 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 6525 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 2725 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 9225 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 7425 Most Unbelievable School Punishments Ever Given   List25 - 70